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(CANCELED) Is This for Real? Almost Real Paper Florals | Ages 7-13

Kids Art Week 2: One Day Workshops
Wednesday, June 30
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Instructor/Artist: Laura Gillespie

Learn the craft of creating paper florals that look so real, you think they must have a scent! Make a variety of flower styles from start to finish. At the end of the day, you will have a beautiful bouquet.

Please bring a lunch.

Face masks must be worn at all times. Class registration is limited.

Fees: $62 Members   $78 Non-Members

Online registration closes two days before class begins. After that, call Wustum Museum at 262.636.9177 to confirm availability.

Class cancellations can happen if enrollment minimums are not met two days prior to the first class. If your class is canceled, you will be contacted via phone or email.

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