Rights + Reproduction
Copyright © Racine Art Museum
All images, text, and content on this site are protected by US copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized use of any content from this site is prohibited by law. Copyright for some images on this website are held by the photographers, artists and/or their estates.
Please direct any inquiries about using images or content for reproduction to the RAM Marketing Department at 262.638.8300.
Privacy Policy Statement
Racine Art Museum respects the intellectual property rights of artists and others. This website and the images and text contained on this website are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws and are owned by RAM or used by RAM with permission from the owners. Copyright for some images are held by the artists and/or their estates. You agree not to download, copy, reproduce, publish, or transmit or otherwise use any portion of this website including any images or text contained on this website except for your own personal noncommercial use or “fair use,” as this term is defined by current copyright laws, without written permission from the Racine Art Museum.
RAM thanks the following photographers for providing images for use on this website and in RAM publications.
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Fair use of copyrighted material includes the use of protected materials for noncommercial educational purposes, such as teaching, research, criticism, and commentary. Unless otherwise noted, users who wish to download or print text, audio, video, image, and other files from the Racine Art Museum’s website for such uses are welcome to do so without RAM’s express permission. Users must cite the author and source of this material as they would material from any printed work; the citation should include the URL www.ramart.org.
By downloading, printing, or otherwise using text, audio, video, image and other files from this website, whether accessed directly from this website or via other sites or mechanisms, users agree that they will limit their use of such files to fair use, and will not violate the Racine Art Museum’s or any other party’s proprietary rights.
Request Permission
Inquiries requesting permission to use, reproduce, or obtain Collection images that fall outside of “fair use” should be directed to the Marketing Department, 262.638.8300 or [email protected]. The Racine Art Museum reviews all requests on a case-by-case basis and may require payment of a license fee depending upon the intended nature of such use.
For use of works in which copyright is held by Artists Right Society, Inc. (ARS): Reproduction, including downloading of ARS members’ works, is prohibited by copyright laws and international conventions without the express written permission of Artists Rights Society (ARS), 536 Broadway, 5th Floor at Spring Street, New York, NY 10012, 212.420.9160.
For use of works in which copyright is held by Visual Artists and Galleries Association, Inc (VAGA): Reproduction of VAGA images, including downloading, is prohibited without written authorization from VAGA, 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 2820, New York, NY 10118, 212.736.6666, [email protected].