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Premiere of Collection Focus: Mary Giles Virtual Tour

Mary Giles
Fading Light, 2007
Waxed linen, fine copper wire, and fine iron wire
13 x 17 inches diameter
Racine Art Museum, Gift of Jim Harris
Photography: Petronella J. Ytsma

In response to the current global pandemic, RAM has been creating opportunities for would-be museum visitors to engage virtually with art from the comfort of their homes. In continuation of this effort, RAM is pleased to announce an upcoming virtual tour of the museum’s current exhibition Collection Focus: Mary Giles, a retrospective of the work of fiber artist Mary Giles (1944–2018).

This virtual visit of the museum galleries with RAM Executive Director and Curator of Collections Bruce W. Pepich and RAM Curator of Exhibitions Lena Vigna brings the exhibition, Collection Focus: Mary Giles, to life. Their candid, informative discussion about Mary Giles’ work and inspiration offers a deeper understanding of the artist’s creative journey. Professionally produced by Matt Binetti of Racine, Pepich and Vigna’s 20-minute video tour illuminates how Giles’ “works have a presence rooted to the earth’s rhythm.”

This virtual tour will premiere at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 19 on the RAM Facebook page. A Facebook account is not required to watch the video, but viewers with an account will be able to ask questions during the premiere and receive responses from museum staff in the video chat. The tour will launch simultaneously on RAM’s YouTube channel, and may also be watched on the museum website.

Including further insight, RAM has produced a 16-page exhibition catalogue with essays on the significance of Mary Giles’ work along with representative images of her pieces in the museum’s permanent collection. This full-color publication is available for purchase online at racineartmuseumstore.org.

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