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Party on the Pavement 2022 in Downtown Racine

Party On The Pavement 2016
RAM Free Family Hands-on Art Project at Party on the Pavement 2016
Photography: RAM Staff

Several city blocks will be closed to provide entertainment during the 19th iteration of Downtown Racine’s Party on the Pavement event on Saturday, September 17, noon – 7:00 pm. RAM will be open with FREE museum admission and extended gallery hours from noon to 6:00 pm.

Rummage-o-RAM-Art, the museum’s annual sale of gently loved goods, returns during Party on the Pavement. Peruse and purchase a wonderful selection of gently loved books, handbags, movies, and art—donated to raise funds for RAM’s exhibition and education programs.

Craft a Zero Waste Self-Portrait using recycled materials during the RAM Free Family Hands-on Art Activity, 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Take inspiration from a textured paper portrait by artist Russell T. Gordon entitled Fine Fellow Fedora—on display in the exhibition RAM Showcase: Russell T. Gordon and James Tannerand engage in multiple art projects that toy with the idea of patterns and portraits. The public is also invited to collaborate on a large-scale community art piece.

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