SPARK! Memory Loss Engagement Program

SPARK! program from 2021
Photography: RAM Education Staff
April 8, 2022 | 10:00 – 11:30 am
at RAM’s Wustum Museum
Free art experiences for people with memory loss and their care partners. Developed to provide a stimulating, yet non-threatening atmosphere, these creative experiences encourage the person with memory loss to actively engage in the moment and leave with a feeling of accomplishment and worth.
Each program offers a unique mix of engagement focused activities explored through visual art conversation, sensory stimulants, creative writing/poetry, music, the art of movement and hands-on art making.
New to SPARK!? Contact RAM Curator of Education Tricia Blasko at [email protected] or 262.636.9573 to learn more about the program.
Face masks must be worn at all times inside the museum. Programs may be presented virtually via Zoom in the winter months if weather is bad.