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Party on the Pavement 2024 in Downtown Racine

Ram And Ram On The Road
Party on the Pavement 2023
Photography: Rachel Comande

Several city blocks will be closed to provide entertainment during the latest iteration of Downtown Racine’s Party on the Pavement event on Saturday, September 21. RAM will be open with FREE museum admission and extended gallery hours from Noon to 6:00 pm.

Join RAM for a a Free Family Hands-on Art Activity from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Adorn a frame with glitter, gold, and gems to create a special keepsake for your beloved photographs, inspired by Nicole Acosta: HOOPS—Beyond the Aesthetic Lies the Story. Visitors can also participate in a Community Project by making a holographic scratch-off bumper sticker and adding it to a large-scale lowrider cutout—inspired by Low: René Amado at RAM. When you are done, get behind the wheel and take a picture with your creation!

Bumper Sticker Sample

Guests will also have the chance to meet local artists René Amado and Nicole Acosta between 1:00 and 4:00 pm as they talk about their new exhibitions.

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